Shawn Madsen

Ed & Janet Vainio
Network Elder

David & Judy Delgatty
Network Elder

Jay Simpson
Native American

Rod Kilsdonk
Section 8 – Custer

Tom Fauth
Section 7 - Fort Peck

David Brakke
Section 6 - Yellowstone

Curt Curtis
Section 5 - Milk River

Greg Ledgerwood
Section 4 - Capitol

Mark Nelsen
Section 3 - Teton

John Weaver
Section 2 - 5 Valleys

Phil Wilson
Section 1 - Flathead

Christine Forrey
Student Ministries Administrator

Patsy Taylor
Financial Administrator

Terri Schock
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Joe Epley
Student Ministries Director

Randy Lindgren
Assistant Superintendent

Dave & Colleen Phillips
Network Superintendent