Want to get started on your credentials?
Please email the completed Pre-application form to: tschock@mtaog.org
Once we receive the credential pre – application form, we will send you the proper credentialing application and information.
Want to upgrade your credentials?
Please email your request to: tschock@mtaog.org or call (406) 652-2417 for upgrade information.
The deadline to request is September 1st and all completed applications, references and fees should be in our office no later than October 15th.
Have your transcripts sent to Network Office to see what level you will be applying for.
Request an application from the Network Office (deadline to request is September 1).
Return application to Network Office with your $150.00 fee and all necessary paperwork including a picture by October 15th.
You will be tested by your sectional presbyter and interviewed by other pastors in your section at that same time (usually around the end of November – early December).
You will be interviewed by the entire presbytery in January at Ministers Renewal.
If all goes well to this point all your paperwork is sent to the national office and you are honored at Network Council in April.
Please do not send in your paperwork until EVERYTHING is complete including ALL your classes.
If you have further questions please contact the Network Office.
Please review the necessary eductional requirements to receive a crediential.